Post by Mr. Mischoff on May 16, 2012 10:38:52 GMT -6
Friday, May 18th, 2012
Washington, D.C.
Your USPW Freedom Commentators for tonight:
Tom Roberts, Steve Travis and Johnny Vendetta
Tom Roberts: Welcome USPW fans, to this very late, but special edition of USPW Friday Night Freedom!
Steve Travis: Man, do we have a show for you!
[Pyro technics and fireworks go off to signal that the show is beginning to the live audience as they cheer loudly to have finally attended this event!]
Johnny Vendetta: Well folks, let me save you the trouble of listening to Tom Roberts weep and whine like a little baby, and beg for forgiveness from all you at home for the delay in tonight’s Freedom. Yeah, we get it, big guy! It’s May, and spring showers happen!
Steve Travis: Are you kidding me? Spring showers?
Johnny Vendetta: Ok… So MAYBE there was like a thunderstorm of biblical proportions around this area, and maybe Freedom got delayed, but we’re here! And we’re ready for action!
Tom Roberts: Well, we thank the loyal fans and wrestlers for that! So Steve why don’t you run through tonight’s card for us.
Steve Travis: I can’t! If I tried to tell you what’s going on here, we’re run out of time! I mean we got a Mixed Martial Arts champion talking about coming here, we got the retirement of Stardust, we got Hot Pockets in the mail from Mark Force, we got vacant titles, we got backstage assaults, we got feuds, we got rivalries and more importantly, we got 4CCW talent making their debut tonight!
Tom Roberts: Of course! Let’s get right to the action. But first let’s thank our sponsors. Tonight’s Freedom is brought to you by Marvel Studio’s The Avengers!
Johnny Vendetta: Ohh gee! Really? Like you needed to show us a trailer! I’m pretty sure that movie made like 999.99 million dollars, they’re just waiting for old geezers like Steve here to get with the program and watch this record breaking movie!
Steve Travis: Come on man! I saw that movie! I’d like to go Hulk on you and smash you around like Loki sometimes, Vendetta.
Tom Robert: Ok, let’s just get on with the show! The World Heavyweight Champion is up next!
The Champ Is Here
["I'm So Bored With The USA" by The Clash plays over the sound system and out onto the stage steps the new USPW World Heavyweight Champion Classy Mike C!]
Steve Travis: At Wrestlefest three men went through hell for the World Title and, like him or not, this man came out victorious!
Johnny Vendetta: It was a great day for USPW! But can he get past CJ Swift?
[Mike C walks to the ring with the World Title belt over his shoulder and a determined look upon his face. The fans give him a surprisingly warm welcome given his past. Mike C rolls into the ring and immediately grabs a microphone from Mike Cardella before gesturing for the music to stop.]
Mike C: I want to cut the crap right now...USA get yourselves out here!
[The fans cheer this statement of intent. After a few seconds the Russian national anthem plays and the Red Army, Chester Gold and newest recruit Adolf Von Kruger head to the ring. As they enter Von Kruger goes to shake Mike C's hand but he refuses it and calls for the music to stop once again.]
Mike C: Now listen to me and listen good...all of you! The first man I want to address is Shawn Starr. Shawn, you were suspended for some frankly heinous actions and that is not what the USA is all about. We're about making America better, not assaulting it's women! I'll deal with you when you return but right now I want to deal with this...
[Mike C stares hard at Von Kruger.]
Mike C: I don't know who you are, I don't care who you are...but the USA are not about racism! Shawn Starr might be happy to team with you but I sure as hell am not and I hope the Red Army feel the sa...
[Just then Mike C is cut off. Organ music plays and out onto the stage steps the protestor from Wrestlefest! The crowd cheer and Mike C seems confused.]
Travis: Who is this guy?!
Roberts: I don't know but I think the USA are about to find out.
[The protestor reaches the ring, he puts his placard down and picks up a microphone.]
Protestor: Mike C...I am "The Baptist" Fred Westboro...and I am here to help the USA! You see I agree that USA is not OK...this country is terrible and God is punishing it!
[The fans boo loudly.]
Westboro: But Mike C, you're wishy-washy glory driven ways are just as much a problem. And so...I'm taking over this group...
[Just then...the Red Army and Von Kruger pounce! They attack Mike C and the fans jeer loudly! Mike C attempts to fight back but the four on one attack is too much. Westboro and Gold watch on and laugh until...Mark Force sprints to the ring! Force fights off Sokoloff, Orlev and Von Kruger and the new USA retreat as Mark Force stands over Mike C.]
Travis: Looks like Mike C is out of the USA!
Roberts: And Fred Westboro is their new leader!
[EMTs come to tend to Mike C as Force stares down the USA at the top of the ramp.]
Travis: What could this mean now? Are Mike C & Mark Force a team?!
Roberts: Or does Mark Force simply hate the rest of the USA as much as I reckon Mike C now does!?
Opening Match
Phantom vs Troy "The Baller" Franklin
Winner is #1 Contender to World Heavyweight Championship
Phantom vs Troy "The Baller" Franklin
Winner is #1 Contender to World Heavyweight Championship
[As we return from commerical break, Phantom is already in the ring. He looks serious and determined. He take off his 6 Man Tag Championship title and hands it to the ref.]
Steve Travis: So the winner of this match will get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at Forsaken. And both of these men deserve that shot, but who will win?
[All the lights in the arena go out. A red light brightens the arena as "I’m Having a Relapse" hits the PA. Out from behind the curtains steps "The Baller" Troy Franklin. Baller plays to the crowd as he makes his way down the rap. He steps into the ring and the place is going nuts. Baller walks around the ring, giving love to the fans. Soon after the lights come back on and the music stops. Baller is now all about business.]
Tom Roberts: I like Troy's chances here! He really showed initiative by getting in Mr Image's face! Let's see if it pays off!
[The bell rings and the action begins. It's a very back and forth match with a lot of skill and technique, showing why both of these men are World Championship material. The crowd seems to be behind Phantom, as they cheer every time he hits a big trademark move, and even tried to hit the Crusifixation early in the match, but instead gets tossed out of the ring.]
Johnny Vendetta: Ohh boy Phantom got tossed out of the ring like yesterday's garbage! Well, he is yesterday's garbage.
Tom Roberts: Ohh get a clue, Vendetta. The fans love this kid, he's very talented.
[Troy follows Phantom out of the ring, and then lifts him up to his feet so he can smash his face into the protective barrier a few times. Phantom is down, and Baller stomps on him, and taunts the fans. The referee is counting these men for being on the outside, he is up to four.]
Tom Roberts: Since this is not a no DQ match, the referee is giving them until the count of 10 to get back in the ring.
[The Baller then drags Phantom around by the arm, and pulls him closer to the announce table and he proceeds to irish whip him back first into that unforgiving strutcure. Phantom goes down in pain, and Baller gives him a one handed slap to the face, just as a sign of disrepect. The crowd boos, as the referee is up to 6 now.]
Steve Travis: Don't get too cocky, Baller! If the ref counts both of you out, neither of you is number one contender!
[Baller lines up one final shot with Phantom. He stands with his back against the steel ring pole, and proceeds to irish whip. Phantom charges full speed at the ring post, but he gets his foot up and stops himself!]
Tom Roberts: Woah, if Phantom collided with that ring post it would have been a victory for Baller for sure.
[Troy Franklin is surprised that Phantom can coutner the whip and runs at Phantom for a quick attack, but Phantom ducks it, gives a kick to the stomach, and sets him up for his finishing move. The referee is up to 8 now!]
Johnny Vendetta: What?! You can't do this!! Not on the outside!!
[Phantom flips forward and hits the crusifixation as the referee counts to 9. Troy Franklin lands with a sick thud, and the crowd goes wild. Everyone is cheering for Phantom to get back in the ring.]
Tom Roberts: You can do it, kid! Come on!
[Phantom gets up and slides into the ring. The referee counts to 10 and rings the bell. He raises Phantom's hand in victory.]
Mike Cardella: The winner of this match as a result of a count out! And newww Number One Contendeerrrrrrrr for the USPW Heavyweight Championship.......... Phantommmmm!!!!!!
[Troy Franklin gets up on the outside in pain. He looks furious, as he heads to the backstage area insulting the fans on his way out.]
Tom Roberts: Troy Franklin may have lost this match, but I don't think he's out of the title scene just yet!
Johnny Vendetta: What do we have here?
Tom Roberts: It's Your Poisonous Destruction! I wonder what this duo is thinking coming out here!
[YPD looks down to the ring and Cyanide points down to Phantom. The pair begin clapping as a show of respect to their fellow world class competitor.]
Steve Travis: Look at this uncharacteristic show of respect from YPD!
[The crowd is surprised at the courtesy of YPD and begins cheering and clapping loudly. The Duo begin making their way down to the ring with their usual methodical walk. Upon entering the ring, Phantom is very skeptical of the duo coming out to pay respects, but after a few moments of friendly back slaps and Crysis holding up Phantom's left arm his emotions settle. YPD's music cuts and Phantom's resumes. A few moments later Crysis is still holding up Phantom's arm and is showing him off at every side of the ring to the crowd while Cyanide is back in the far corner clapping. Lively cheering accompanies the show. Crysis then drops Phantom's arm and takes two steps forward. Cyanide is no longer clapping. Instead he is perched down waiting for Phantom to turn around... Phantom looks at Crysis, who is now clapping, and Phantom makes a left hand pivot, simultaneously Cyanide lunges out of the corner and hits Phantom with a spear.]
Johnny Vendetta: I knew these two were up to no good!
Tom Roberts: Phantom is the new #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title! He doesn't need this! Somebody get down here! Phantom is gonna need help!
[Cyanide and Crysis begin to stomp on Phantom. Phantom begins writhing in pain on the mat. Crysis hollers an inaudible yell at Cyanide. Cyanide stands the woozy Phantom up and signals for the end, a thumb across the throat, Cyanide picks Phantom up for the Poisonous Impact Brainbuster and delivers it with gusto! Cyanide is in Phantoms face mocking him. The crowd is now jeering loudly.
Steve Travis: Now this is TOO MUCH! Crysis walks over to Phantom's limp body on the mat. Crysis motions to Cyanide and he pick Phantom up, Crysis then puts Phantom's head in between his legs and throws his left arm high into the air. Lively jeering from the crowd.
Johnny Vendetta:Don't do this! No!
Tom Roberts: Its gonna be a CrysisBomb!
[Crysis flips Phantom up and tosses him down hard, the CrysisBomb hitting perfectly. Cyanide walks over to Phantoms lifeless body carrying Phantom's 6 Man Tag Team Championship. Cyanide throws it onto Phantom, and then stomps him in the chest again. Crysis is in Phantoms face mocking him loudly.]
Steve Travis:We need someone out here! These two have got to be stopped!
[Just as those that words were uttered a very loud pop emanates from the crowd. Cyanide and Crysis look up in time to see AJ Johnson running down to the ring!]
Johnny Vendetta: Phantom has back up! Phantom has back up!
[Cyanide and Crysis high tail it. The are seen slipping out from the bottom rope on the far side of the ring just as AJ slides into the ring from the front side. YPD is seen climbing over the barrier that separates the crowd from the action and exiting the area up a set of stairs. AJ is checking on Phantom who is laid out flat in the middle of the ring.]
Tom Roberts: What a disgrace, can we cut to commercial??
Joey Webb vs WIN
[Both men already in the ring and the match went back and forth with Warren I Nickilson getting the win over Joey Webb]
Tom Roberts: Well that was nice... Ya know? I lik...
Johnny Vendetta: Cut the crap, Roberts. You know it, and I know it, the fans used that as a chance to use the bathroom. Neither man impressed, and their contracts are probably terminated as soon as they get backstage.
Steve Travis: Agreed!
MMA Champion Signs With USPW
Johnny Vendetta - Well, not too shabby!
Tom Roberts - I liked it, this show so far really has the audience here on their feet, but I wonder if…
[Tom is interrupted by the familiar music of "Next Best Than" Icee Whyte and out from the back comes Jason Connor. He comes down to the ring showered in boos.]
Steve Travis – That’s JayCe! Jason Connor! The fans are really ripping into him. He lost a few important match ups, including the FWrestling Ultra Title tournament, which would have been great publicity for USPW.
Johnny Vendetta – Like that even means anything?
Steve Travis – Well, he was also scheduled to conduct an interview this week before Freedom, and he didn’t quite pull that off either. The fans are rightfully upset, and it looks like Connor is calling for the mic.
[Jason Connor looks disgusted at the fans, he even yells back at some of them. He gets upset as he takes his microphone and holds it up to his mouth. He begins talking but it’s inaudible. Jason taps on the mic. No noise. He throws the mic down in rage, and demands another.]
Tom Roberts – Seems like we’re having technical difficul….
[Tom cannot finish his sentence, as unfamiliar music plays over the PA. The audience isn’t quite sure what to make of the situation but the words echo throughout the arena. “Now you're stepping inside where you can't be afraid… it's a matter of pride when you enter the cage… put your heart on the line it determines your fate….”]
Tom Roberts - What’s going on here? I don’t think this was scheduled for tonight, I mean the crowd hasn’t even stopped booing JayCe yet….
[From the back and up onto the entrance stage appears two figures that are all too familiar to United States Pro Wrestling and mixed martial arts fans… A male and a female stand on the stage and applaud, the male has a big championship belt of some sort around his waist and he’s dressed in traditional MMA garb, complete with full contact gloves. Meanwhile the female is wearing traditional ring girl gear. The crowd realizes what’s going on here and they let out some cheers. The female has some paperwork of sorts in one hand and a microphone in the other hand. ]
Johnny Vendetta - Well, we knew this was coming…!
Tom Roberts - Is that who I think it is? Yes! That’s AMMA World Heavyweight Champion, Mike Mahoney and his ring girl, Toni Frost!
Johnny Vendetta – I don’t care a whole lot about other sports besides this one, but I will say, I know this guy, he’s an absolute monster, of course he’s Mike Mahoney!
Steve Travis - I heard about this pair, they were in the news, they were on the dirt-sheets, they were making headlines when they arrived in Washington DC and Toni Frost basically said “We’re going to be at Freedom!”. I assumed she was just a fan, but it looks like they’re here for more than just watching the action.
[Toni Frost and Mike Mahoney stay up on the stage and play to the crowd. They seem to be eating this up. Mike Mahoney is on one side of the stage, shadow boxing, flexing, and pumping up the crowd, while Toni Frost stretches and struts her barely clothed body to the hooting and hollering of the rowdy USPW crowd. As the excitement dies down, Toni raises her mic and speaks. Jason Connor is still in the ring visibly upset.]
Toni Frost - Thank you! Thank you, United States Pro Wrestling fans! It’s great to be here in Washington DC!!
[The crowd cheers for their hometown.]
Toni Frost - Now I’m sure most of you know who I am, and who my champion here is! I am Toni Frost, and this is the greatest mixed martial arts champion to ever step foot inside a cage: Mike Mahoney! And what I have here in my hands is an official contract offer from the one and only, the owner of this great company, a genius in his own right, the owner of this great company, Mr Frankie Image!
[The crowd delivers a mixed reaction as they’re excited to hear about a contract offer, but seem caught off guard that the MMA personnel are keen on Frankie Image. Jason Connor looks confused at the event unfolding here. Toni Frost pulls a writing pen out from behind her ear, and passes the microphone to Mike Mahoney. He points to his AMMA Championship and grins.]
Mike Mahoney - Let me tell you United States Pro Wrestling fans something you might not know, because you’re perhaps too ignorant or too naive to understand the finer points of mixed martial arts and what it takes to be one of the best in the cage, like me!
[The D.C. crowd boos, they know they’ve just been insulted.]
Mike Mahoney - Ohh that’s fine! Boo me! Boo the first legitimate champion to ever step foot in this arena! You see, to stand where I am standing today, I didn’t pay fifty bucks to train at some wrestling school, and learn how to fall off ladders and defend myself with a steel chair. I spent years training across the globe, in Vegas, in Montreal, in London, in Singapore, in Hong Kong, in Seoul, in Saitama, in big gyms and in big dojos and in big cities! This is how I became the best…
[Mike can’t finish his train of thought, the crowd is getting restless and ripping into him.]
Mike Mahoney - When you’re THE BEST like me, you get a lot of job offers! I don’t like professional wrestling, that’s just what it is. So when some dinky company in Orlando called me and promised me a mansion across the street from Disney World, I said “No! Sorry!” When some billionaire from Stamford came to me with open pockets and said he wanted me to join his universe. I said “No! Sorry!”
Tom Roberts - I thought this guy was all action, all martial arts… What’s with all this talking?
Mike Mahoney - But when I got a call from my old sponsor when I was traveling the globe, and he said “Mike, man, I need you!” I hoped on a plane and flew out here to this dirty city, because when I was just a young up and comer and nobody knew who I was, just some kid off the street, one man invested his time and his money into me! He knew I would become a champion… An MMA Champion! My sponsor was Frankie Image!
Steve Travis - If Mike Mahoney came here to make friends, I don’t think he’s doing it right.
[The crowd boos as Mike cracks a smile, and Toni applauds her man. ]
Mike Mahoney - Image has offered me a contract to do what I do best… hurt people inside the cage and inside the ring. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s under MMA rules, or in pro-wrestling in front of you drunks… I came here to announce to the world I am the face of mixed martial arts and I will show USPW why you don’t mess with the legitimate champions and genuine stars like Image or myself. After I sign this contract, and send shockwaves throughout the world, my first match in my contract says I can pick my opponent…
[The crowd boos and chants some wrestlers names, trying to suggest an opponent for Mike to consider.]
Mike Mahoney - Who? Who’s that? No, I don’t know anyone by name… I don’t know who half this damn roster is, they’re just as good as the guys at the fast food restaurant asking me if I “want fries with that?”… I want this guy! In the ring! This pretty boy… He makes me sick!
[The camera pans to JayCe who seems shocked. As the camera returns to Mahoney, he has the contract that Toni was carrying earlier, and he signs it visibly on camera.]
Mike Mahoney - The first step to making USPW a better place, is taking out garbage like you, pretty boy! When Image called me and told me to check out his new investment, USPW, I flipped it on the channel and instead of watching what he promised me... High flying action, wrestling masterpieces and future legends of the ring… What I saw was garbage, ohh sure, Connor, you’re a great investment for USPW’s future… Assuming we wanted to dumb down the audience and alienate any legitimate wrestling fans we have left.
Johnny Vendetta - Wow, he’s really not a Jason Connor fan.
Mike Mahoney - Mr “Jay See”, I wish I can say “you messed with the wrong guy!” but the fact is you’re just at the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s time! I signed the contract, and I wrote your name on it as my first opponent… I will wreck your goofy smile and make you… TAP OUT!!
[Mike Mahoney drops his mic and hands his MMA championship to Toni Frost as he marches down the ramp and into the ring. Jason Connor looks ready for a fight.]
Tom Roberts – Right here, right now?! Jason Connor vs Mike Mahoney! I don’t believe this!!
Johnny Vendetta – I like his style! So Mike Mahoney appears live on Friday Night Freedom and signs a USPW contract in this very arena? And he’s having a debut match now!
Impromptou Match
Mike Mahoney vs Jason Connor
Mike Mahoney vs Jason Connor
[Mike Mahoney slides into the ring, and bell rings for his first ever pro-wrestling match. Mike quickly dominates the former USPW stand out. Mike shows off how most of his MMA skills and techniques beautifully translate over to USPW. He does take downs, slams, and submissions.]
Tom Roberts: Well, Mike doesn't look like a rookie at all. He's practically dominating Jay Cee!
Steve Travis: This exciting match has been pretty back and forth! I really like this Mahoney guy, when he’s not running his mouth.
Johnny Vendetta: If Mahoney wins here, he’s allowed to run his mouth, because he backs it up! We’ll see.
[Jason Connor backs Mike Mahoney up into the corner and delivers a knife-edge chop to the exposed chest as the USPW fans let out a loud “woo!!”. Mike Mahoney holds his chest in pain as he gets irish whipped into the opposite corner. Connor runs after Mike, and looks for a leaping splash but Mike quickly dodges it, and sends Connor face first into the top turnbuckle.]
Steve Travis: Great ring awareness there!
[Mike Mahoney does a quick martial arts pose then delivers a stiff kick to the ribs of Connor, and quickly follows it up with a series of 4 more kicks to the ribs, then in one swift move, nails Connor right in the face with a spinning back kick. That really dazes Connor.]
Tom Roberts: Wow, the martial arts background of Mike Mahoney is really paying off. What an incredible series of kicks.
[Mike Mahoney takes advantage of this opportunity to place the dazed Jason Connor up on the top rope in a seated position. Mike Mahoney climbs up there with him, as though he was attempting a superplex but before he can pull anything off Jason Connor delivers a couple of punches right to the stomach of Mahoney, phasing him just long enough to push him off the ropes. Mike lands backwards, but on his feet as Connor attempts to stand up on the top rope, possibly looking for an aerial attack, but Mahoney recovers too quickly, as he comes forward with a roundhouse kick right to the leg of Connor. This kick sets Connor off balance and he practically crotches himself on the turnbuckle, his face filled with agony.]
Johnny Vendetta: Aww man, not the family jewels… Ouch!
[Mike Mahoney then uses his momentum to run up the ropes, grab Connor’s hands and flip him down off the top rope in the classic cross armbar submission. Connor is in the middle of the ring and this hold is really bringing out the pain, he looks like he’s in extreme agony, as the ref checks to see if he quits.]
Steve Travis – Ohh that armbar! That looks very painful!
Tom Roberts – Yeah, and how smart is it that Mahoney flipped Connor back to the center of the ring. It’s going to be so hard to get a rope break!
[As Mike Mahoney locks the armbar in even tighter on Jason Connor, the ref continues to check on the hold. Connor has a look of despair in his face and he reaches out and taps the mat. Jason Connor submits.]
Johnny Vendetta – IT’S OVER!! Jason Connor just tapped out to the armbar!! Look out USPW, we got a new threat here!
[The bell rings and the match is over. Mike Mahoney’s music hits, but Mike isn’t taking the hint. He has that armbar still locked in and Jason Connor is still tapping out and screaming in pain. The referee gets down in the action and literally tries to pry Mahoney and Connor apart, for safety reasons, but Mike isn’t budging.]
Tom Roberts – Aww what the hell!!?? Come on! This match was over 15 seconds ago! Let go of the damn hold, you arrogant jerk!
[Finally, security storms the ring and a takes a team of men to separate Mike from the screaming Connor but the damage has been done. The referee calls for paramedics as Connor rolls on the mat in pain, holding his arm. Mike Mahoney slides out of the ring, where his manager Toni Frost awaits him. The two are showered in boos as they walk away arrogantly.]
Tom Roberts – What a damn joke… JayCe could be seriously injured. I hope someone teaches this MMA guy a lesson soon!
Chris Hall vs Johnny Rage
[This match didn't really start in the ring as both men brawled on the outside with Chris Hall getting the upper hand, than it moved into the ring where Rage took control and seemed to not look back as he pulled out the win.]
Steve Travis: Aspiring young talent, I hope they make the cut and stick around.
Pardon The Interuption
Johnny Vendetta – Now this is what I call a show! But please Tom, don’t bring our ratings down with your blabbering non-sense, can you please just tell me what’s next, then shut up for the next hour? You’ll do our fans a huge favor!
Tom Roberts – Classy as always, Mr Vendetta, classy as always… Anyways to answer your question, up next is….. *Tom Roberts voice fades in and out, coming across as static and incomprehensible.* … And you know what that means! It means… *inaudible*
[The image on your screen begins messing up and becoming a jumbled mess. What’s going on here? Didn’t something like this happen at WrestleFest? As the image comes to you see a referee standing in the middle of the ring, holding up a championship title. But that’s not a USPW referee; it’s not even a USPW championship… The video feed is still distorted, but the audio is clear.]
Unidentified Announcer – The following bout is for the AMMA World Heavyweight Championship!! It will be 5 rounds and it is our maiiiinnnnnnn eveeeeeennntttt of the evening!!
Commentator Steven - … So this is it! What all MMA fans across the world have been waiting for! The undefeated top ranked contender for the Heavyweight Title, Mike Mahoney, takes on the reigning, intimidating and undefeated champion: Chavez Vega!
Commentator Boss – Yeah Steven, man, do you have goosebumps like I do? This is crazy! You know a lot of people were accusing the current champ, Mr Vega, of cheating, or even “faking” his injury to avoid Mike Mahoney, but the fact is: Vega is here tonight and he doesn’t seem like he should be taken lightly. He’s the champion and he’s never lost.
[The bell rings and the match begins inside an MMA cage. You can hear the crowd going crazy, they have waited a long time for this match and they’re finally getting it! As the image clears up you see the two men in the cage exchanging perfectly timed blows; they’re trading a couple jabs and kicks, but nothing major. Unfortunatley, the image fades out again.]
Commentator Steven – Ya know Boss, it’s a little known fact, that both Mike Mahoney and Chavez Vega are slight pro-wrestling fans… Stuff like USPW. Ya think they hit up a wrestling school to help train for this match? Hehe!
Commentator Boss – Haha… Yeah… Maybe they went to the pro-wrestling school of trash talking, because they sure did a lot… And I mean a lot… Of trash talking before this fight! However, I don’t know if I expect Vega to leave the cage, grab a steel chair and attack Mike.
[As the image comes back, one of the men in the ring delivers a lightning-quick high roundhouse kick to the jaw of the other man. The man who ate the kick stumbles back, looks almost like he’s down, but he leans in and grapples with his opponent, almost like he’s holding on for a bear hug.]
Commentator Boss – Ohh man!! DID YOU SEE THAT HEAD KICK?! I thought this one was over folks, but somehow Chavez Vega survives that brutal kick and clinches up with Mike so he doesn’t eat another one… Smart strategy!
Commentator Steven – Is that strategy, or is that just holding on for dear life?? That kick absolutely stunned the champ! This fight could be over soon, we could have a new champ!
[The image is still shaky, but before you can realize what’s going on in the match, you suddenly hear distinct booing from the roaring crowd, and the sound of a bell ringing. The crowd appears furious, they are really hooting and hollering and you can even see trash being thrown into the ring.]
Commentator Steven – I… Uhh… I don’t….
Commentator Boss – This isn’t good, man… Mike Mahoney is on the ground, he’s in pain. He’s in a lot of pain! Di -… Did you see what happened?
MMA Announcet – Ladies and gentlemen!! The referee has just informed me that the knee to the groin of the challenger was 100% accidental, and therefore, he has ruled this contest a “no contest” draw.
[The crowd continues to boo and jeer the champion as he leaves the cage with his belt and heads for the back with a stern look on his face.]
Commentator Steven – An accidental low blow? That’s how the biggest match in the history of MMA ends? I apologize folks…
Commentator Boss – An accident, my foot… Chavez Vega is heading for the back, he seems terribly unapologetic! We better get a rematch, as soon as possible!
[As the challenger sits up on the mat with a disappointed look in his face, the ring girl, who promotes the matches between rounds and is usually responsible for eye candy, is noticabley in the ring kneeling down and checking on the wounded fighter. The crowd leaves, in a rage, as your image returns to normal.]
Strikeout vs Stardust
[Strikeout is already in the ring. Awaiting the arrival of Stardust. The lights go off and pretty much everyone is expecting the usual entrance to the man they know as Stardust. When all of a sudden. "Pretty fly for a White Guy" by Offspring plays, a spotlight shines on the entryway and out walks Stardust, wearing the classic old school look. White pants with a blue star and a white "S" in the middle. He looks around at the crowd, smiles and walks to the ring. He gets in and poses in the center of the ring. The light comes on, the bell sounds and we are under way.]
Johnny Vendetta: Many wondered why he was left off of Wrestlefest?
Steve Travis: Probably cause he's retiring?
Tom Robert: Or the fact they just didn't want him in a match?
[While this chitter chatter is going on. Stardust is putting on an old school showing. Giving the fans a glimpse of the old school Stardust. Using more grounded attacks than high flying attacks he started using later in is career.]
Johnny Vendetta: Pretty good for a guy up in age?
Steve Travis: That's why he is retiring. He's to old!
Tom Robert: He's gonna be missed.
[Stardust seems to have things in control, than out of the blue. Nails Strikeout with the Star Struck, and pins Strikeout for the 1..2..3...]
Johnny Vendetta: Looks as if Strikeout, just Starstrucked out.
Steve Travis: (just groans a the bad joke)
Tom Robert: In any case. Congrats to Stardust.
[After the match ends, Stardust looks around at the crowd, he is all smiles. Than he points to the USPW-Tron. A voice which sounds like Stardust is heard saying.]
"The following has been paid for by the proud people of Stardust Studios."
[Than we see a video package play. Showing Stardust through out his career. From his early days where he met Dr. X. To some of his many random matches, to some highlights of his winning various belts. Than we see the man himself appear on the screen.]
"I will retire. Finally give all those that wish it so, a happy moment. It is on MY terms. So when it draws near. It's gonna be, going out as I came in. That flashy kid from Hollywood, California, making all you fans Starstruck and being pretty fly for a white guy. So the only thing left is? Who is it gonna be?"
[Than his image fades from view only to be replaced with a big old green question mark. than followed by June 1st, 2012. Stardust's Final Match. Than over the PA System. Offspring's "Pretty Fly for a White Guy plays as Stardust exits the ring.]
USPW Television Championship Match
Deacon Frost vs Von Kruger
For Vacant Television Title
Deacon Frost vs Von Kruger
For Vacant Television Title
Tom Roberts: Ok, as some of you know, there was a bit of controversy last month regarding the very talented Shawn Starr and his Television Championship. The General Manager of USPW Remy McKnight has been FIRED!! I just received word on my headset.
Steve Travis: Remy is fired? But where is Mr Image and John Cooper? This show has been spiraling out of control this week… I just heard that Jason Connor was taken to the hospital with a severely broken arm, at the hands of that MMA guy.
Johnny Vendetta: Yeah and let’s not forget all the mayhem with Your Poisonous Destruction and United Soldiers of Anarchy.
Steve Travis: If Image doesn’t show up soon, I’ll find him myself!
[Deacon Frost is already in the ring warming up, when all of a sudden loud, obnoxious German music, with a myriad of instruments and no harmony at all begins playing and Adolf Von Krueger begins marching to the ring, to the dismay of the fans.]
Tom Roberts: So one of these two men, will be our next USPW Television Cham… WAIT! LOOK!
[Adolf is surprised from behind by Mike Mahoney, the MMA Champion who signed a contract earlier tonight and won his debut math. He taps Adolf on the shoulder, Adolf turns around, shocked that someone is ruining his entrance and with a sick THUD, Mike delivers a legitimate MMA fist to the nose of Von Krueger. Krueger goes out like a light, right on the entrance ramp.]
Tom Roberts: Ohh didn’t this guy cause enough damage? He sent JayCe to the hospital with his rambunctious MMA style of wrestling. Now what??
Johnny Vendetta: About time someone punched that Adolf guy. What was he thinking?? That style isn’t even remotely funny.
[Mike Mahoney sldies into the ring and comes face to face with Deacon Frost. Deacon seems nervous but you can read his lips “It’s cool man, I’m on your side! I love MMA!” Mike looks to the audience and gets a mixed reaction. Deacon extends his hand, looking for a handshake. Mike responds with a high right roundhouse kick to his skull. Deacon Frost crumples to the ground, limp and lifeless.]
Johnny Vendetta: Did you see that?? What a BRUTAL head kick and Deacon Frost is down!!
[Security comes rushing to the ring, but Mahoney slides out, laughing. He grabs the vacant USPW Television title and raises it in the air, proud of himself.]
Steve Travis: Forget security, somebody call the EMTs. Von Krueger’s nose is bleeding buckets, and it’s a little misaligned, I’m sure Mike Mahoney broke it with that punch! And Deacon is out cold… I mean, he’s not even moving.
Johnny Vendetta: Please, Travis, let’s talk less about those bone crushing injuries, and talk more about the new sexy look for the Television Title. Ya gotta love the new white strap!
Tom Roberts: I guess this match is thrown out, but I hope we get a triple threat at Forsaken so we can settle this Television Title dispute once and for all.
Old friends? Old enemies!
[Stardust is walking backstage. The locker room looks pretty vacant, as he pulls his clothes and duffle bag out of his locker and looks like he’s ready to call it a night. He takes his USPW 6-Man Tag Title off his waist, and places it down. A referee approaches Stardust and shakes his hand. Stardust grins.]
Referee: That was a pretty damn awesome match Stardust. I am sad to see you retire, but it’s been a fun ride! I loved every second!
Stardust: Why, thank you, man. I just…
[Stardust can’t finish his sentence. He’s blindsided from behind by a big man, decked in all black and red, and wearing a mask. Stardust is shoved face first into the steel door of the lockers, as the referee panics and gets the hell out of there!]
Johnny Vendetta: What in the world??
[Stardust turns around, slightly dazed and he receives a huge big boot to his face, as he falls into the locker and slides down into a sitting position.]
Tom Roberts: That… That’s Grave Digger!! I recognize him! Him and Stardust were enemies for years, and partners for years, and enemies for years again. Both are two living legends, but what the hell is this about?!
[Grave Digger delivers another boot to the face of Stardust, and Stardust is laid out and in pain. Grave Digger wipes his long wet hair out of his face, and then grabs Stardust by throat and lifts him up to his feet.]
Grave Digger: Retirement just got postponed….
[Grave Digger opens the tall locker, and practically chokeslams Stardust inside of the locker, with a sick metal clunk. Grave Digger then slams the locker door shut, with Stardust inside and wraps a small chain around the lock, while he laughs sinisterly. He knocks on the locker then laughs again as he walks away.]
Steve Travis: Oh man… This show has been chaos. Where’s Mr Image?? Stardust is retiring next month, how can this happen?!
Scott Lowe vs Ace King
[Ace King had an ace up his sleeve if you will as he pulled out the win over Scott Lowe. One, two, three.]
Johnny Vendetta: Cooper has some explaining to do.
YPD on Entertainment Tonight
The scene opens up with Entertainment Tonight lead anchor Nancy O'Dell. She is rambling about Charlie Sheen's latest Drug and Alcohol bender.
Nancy:.... and Sheen was hospitalized overnight.
O'Dell pauses and rotates on the stage so that a 60inch LED TV is located to her right.
Nancy:And finally tonight we have cell phone footage that has gone Viral on YouTube of the attack on Jimmy Fallon this past week by USPW Tag Team, Your Poisonous Destruction and USPW Midget Division member Lil' Nightmare
[The Video Begins To Play]
The footage is shaking yet surprisingly high quality. The footage picks up with Lil Nightmare performing a Pele kick to the back of Jimmy's head, and the duo begins stomping on Jimmy's back. The audio of the pair yelling is garbled noise. Security is seen rushing in first one man apiece for Cyanide and Crysis while two chase Lil Nightmare until he evades the pair by sliding out of the ring.
Now each Crysis and Cyanide are dealing with two security guards apiece. Crysis begins to fight off one guard with a vicious elbow to the sid of the head, the guard falls down landing on his back. The guard appears to be out cold. The next guard falls when Crysis executes a snap mare take-down.
Cyanide kicks one of the guards holding him back in the knee cap. He folds over and clutches at his knee. The fourth guard look around, letting go of Cyanide seeing all his brothers in black have already fallen.
Crysis and Cyanide look around at the body count including the one fleeing security member and Jimmy, mostly all laying lifeless and the duo throws up their signature arm signals.
At this time armed police officers begin filing into the studio. At least 15 officers surround the ring. Crysis and Cyanide immediately stop the celebration and calmly climb down from the ring and seemingly surrender to the officers.
The duo is handcuffed and escorted off of the studio stage.
The crowd noise is intense as EMT's begin filing into the studio.
[The Video Ends]
The camera re-opens with Nancy still standing next to the TV. On the TV is a still frame from the video of YPD handcuffed next to around a dozen officers.
Nancy: Is that vicious attack going to be the downfall for YPD's stardom and career in USPW? Okay, leaving you with that question to ponder, that is all the time we have for tonight. See everyone next time right here on Entertainment Tonight!
Camera Fades to Black.
Frank Snyder vs Colt Windham
Johnny Vendetta: Well Tom this one featured two very big men in the middle of the ring.
Tom Roberts: You're right Johnny. Two of the biggest men in USPW. To tell you the truth, I was expecting a little more from this one.
Johnny: Yeah these two kind of started out slow to begin with. Just traded punches among each other.
Tom Roberts: The match saw a little action when Colt began to use hits big chops and slaps. But then "The Tank" showed why people call him the Tank by applying some powerful clotheslines on Colt. He then hit some bodyslams,powerbombs, and a few suplexes before going for the near fall.
Johnny Vendetta: The ending was somewhat of a suprise as Colt reversed a suplex into a neckbreaker as he then hit his elbow drop on Frank for the three count.
Tom Roberts: Good effort from both men....
Lady Killers vs Your Poisonous Destruction
Winners become #1 contenders to USPW Tag Team Titles
[The Lady Killers are already in the ring, getting jeered by the fans. They havn't exactly been popular as of late. When "The Downfall of Us All Plays" and Your Deadly Poison Exits from Behind the curtain area, Walk up to the top of the Ramp, and embrace their reaction from the fans. Crysis throws up his left arm with clinched fists making and Two missiles shoot from either side of the ramp and pop loudly. And a spray of Gold Flares reigns down from the bottom of the Amer-tron. Slow methodical walk to the ring, Struts up the steps and enters the right thru the second rope... Cyanide goes to two corners and climbs to the second turnbuckle and stares out into the crowd. Then waits in the center of the ring massaging his lower arms. The two look ready for action. It begins and it's intense.]
Johnny Vendetta: This match was nothing really.
Tom Roberts- Now, now, I wouldn't say that Johnny... This match was great....
Johnny Vendetta- Cyanide and Crysis Harvey started the match off very strong but in the end...
[Cyanide is in the ring as the legal man, and he is dominating Mark Turner. Cyanide turns to his brother, Crysis, and he nods. Without warning Cyanide grips Turner around the throat with a blatant and illegal choke.]
Steve Travis: What the - -?!
[Crysis hops down off the ring apron, and grabs a steel chair from the audience.]
Tom Roberts: This is NOT a no disqualifications match!
[The ref counts Cyanide out... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... It's over! The ref calls for the bell!]
Johnny Vendetta: Well that's one strategy....
[Mark Turner's partner will not stand for this choke, now that the match is over he rushes into the ring, but Crysis intercepts him before he can break up the choke. WHAM!! Steel chair to the head. The Lady Killers are out cold. YDP stands in the ring, tall and proud.]
Johnny Vendetta: I knew it... They have other motives! They threw this match away, but why?
Mark Force vs AJ Johnson
Non-Title Match
Mike Cardella: Ladies and Gentleman it is time for our co-main event of the evening! This match is scheduled for one fall and is a Non-Title Match. Introducing first, weighing in at 225 pounds, hailing from Atlanta, Georgia I give to you AJ JOHNSON!!!!!!!!
[" End of Days" hits the PA system as the crowd in attendance begin to boo loudly. Through the curtain walks AJ Johnson as he is dressed in his trademark Black and Gold wrestling tights with his tsped wrists and a bottle of water. He stands at the stage area as he takes a drink from his water and spits it out. He then heads down the ramp and enters the ring to wait for his opponent.]
Mike Cardella: And his opponent hailing from Chicago, Illinois weighing in at 240 pounds....Mark FORCE!!!!!!!!
["What I've Done" by Linkin Park begins playing as Force makes his way through the curtain to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He waits for a second and then heads to the ring as the two have a staredown in the middle.]
Tom Roberts: This is a match that I have waited the whole show to see.
Johnny Vendetta: I know how you feel Tom. In one corner you have AJ who is a former 3 time world champion and then in the other corner you have Mark Force who has been so impressive since joining USPW. Former World Heavyweight Champion and current United States Champion!
[The bell sounds as the two men lock up. they push off of each other before locking up once again. They both begin to battle for the upper hand on the other one until finally Force hits AJ with a few right hands that back him up into the corner. Force then places AJ on the top and hits a superplex on AJ.]
Johnny Vendetta: Wow, the action is starting off early!
Tom Roberts: Your right Johnny, and if AJ doesn't put in some offense soon, it could be a long night.
[Force picks AJ up and places him into a headlock before being reversed into a german suplex by AJ. AJ then gets up and hits a number of stomps on Force while he is on the ground before going for a cover.]
Tom Roberts: This could be it.
Johnny Vendetta: Nearfall...!
[AJ picks Force up and hits him with a nice swift DDT. He then begins to climb to the top rope and goes for his Spreaded Wings Moonsault but misses as Force moves out of the way.]
Tom Roberts: He missed it!!!!
Johnny Vendetta: Force needs to capatalize..
[Force picks AJ up and hits him with a huge powerbomb and then goes for the pin.]
Tom Roberts: Another close call.
[Force picks AJ up and turns and attempts to climb the ring turnbuckle. As he is climbing AJ jumps and hits the pelee kick as Force falls to the mat. AJ then climbs to the top of the ropes and hits his Spreaded Wings Moonsault as he then goes for the pin and gets the three.]
Johnny Vendetta: AJ did it!
[AJ stands and heads straight to the back without celebrating or anything.]
Tom Roberts: Well folks, it was a great match up, no doubt!
[Mark Force is in the ring, smiling and wiping a little bit of blood off his lip. He seems proud of the match he just had as the USPW fans give a standing ovation.]
Tom Roberts: Well, you all know about the controversy and firing of the General Manager of USPW. I just heard word on my headset that a new General Manager is taking over, starting next week at Forsaken, and his first course of action is announcing a special match for the PPV.
Johnny Vendetta: A new GM? Wow! I hope this one doesn’t suck.
Tom Roberts: He says he will hang a “Champion’s Advantage” contract above the ring, for a Champion’s Advantage free-for-all match. It will feature at least 6 USPW wrestlers in a every man for himself ladder match!
Steve Travis: Really? That’s exciting! What is a “Champion’s Advantage”?
Tom Roberts: The Champion’s Advantage Contract lets the winner of that match have a match against any champion of his choosing, at any event of his choosing, and in any match type he chooses!
Johnny Vendetta: That’s nice. Now where do I sign up?
Tom Roberts: He says that he’s already got Mark Force to agree to the match, Troy “The Baller” Franklin, and that new preacher guy we saw earlier in the show. More will be added as we get closer to the event.
Steve Travis: Sounds like a helluva match!
The Labryinth Have Arrived
[USPW Interviewer Chris King is backstage with none other than AJ Johnson, who is coming off the victory over Mark Force, and has his Six Man Tag Team Championship slung over his shoulder. Chris King raises his mic up and speaks.]
Chris King: Hello USPW fans! I’m here with AJ Johnson, the very impressive young man got a victory over former USPW World Heavyweight Champion and current United States Champion, Mark Force. AJ, I gotta ask you, how does it fe….
[AJ Johnson lowers King’s mic, as he notices something out of the corner of his eyes. He fists clinch up in a rage like he’s ready for a fight. On the screen comes the nearly 7 foot tall monster, Grave Digger. The crowd nears silent as Grave Digger slowly walks up and faces AJ and they stand toe-to-toe. AJ looks like he’s ready to swing.]
Grave Digger: AJ Johnson… Hehehe… [Grave Digger spits on the ground.]… how’s your buddy Stardust doing? And the other guy? What’s his name? Ghostface Killer?
[AJ doesn’t budge, he looks ready to fight, but is waiting for the right opportunity. Grave Digger chuckles, and points to the Six Man Tag Team Title.]
Grave Digger: I want a match at Forsaken next week, for the USPW Six Man Tag Team Championship.
[AJ looks hesitantly down at his belt, then back up into Grave Digger’s eyes.]
AJ Johnson: You think you can beat me? You and what army?
[As if on cue, Your Poisonous Destruction emerges from the shadows and stands tall, shoulder to shoulder with Grave Digger. They have a cocky grin. Grave Digger just pats AJ on the shoulder, and walks past him as Cyanide and Crysis intentionally bump shoulders with him, but soon walk past him.]
Grave Digger: We’re The Labyrinth… And we promise USPW will never forget that name. See you at Forsaken.
[The three members of the newly formed Labyrinth laugh manically as AJ Johnson lets out a deep sigh.]
MAIN EVENT: USPW World Heavyweight Championship Match
CJ Swift vs "Classy" Mike C (c)
CJ Swift vs "Classy" Mike C (c)
Mike Cardella: Ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready??? I said… ARE – YOU – READY?? It’s TIME!! For the USPW Main Event World Heavyweight Championship match!!
[The crowd goes wild!]
Tom Roberts: Can you believe it? This Freedom has been full of action! Now it’s the last match.
Mike Cardella: Introducing first the challenger, already in the ring. He is all about the money, and he is The Platinum!! CJ Swwwwwwwwwift!!!!
[The crowd boos.]
Mike Cardella: And introducing the CHAMPION!
[The guitar intro from "I'm So Bored With The USA" by The Clash kicks in and strobe lighting flashes at the top of the ramp. Classy Mike C steps out onto the stage and holds his arms out to his side in a confrontational manner and smirks at the crowd, prompting a chorus of boos. He holds up his World Heavyweight Championship in pride. Mike C walks down the ramp and rolls under the bottom rope into the ring before standing in the centre of the ring and once again posing and smirking at the crowd, triggering fireworks to shoot up from behind him. After a few seconds, the fireworks stop and the music starts to fade as Mike C moves towards his corner to prepare for the match. He stares down CJ Swift.]
Mike Cardella: He is 6ft 2in tall, weighs in at 263lbs and is hailing from Manchester, England! Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome, the USPW Worrrrrldddd Heavyweight Championnnnn!!! Classyyyyyy Miiiiike Ceeeeeeeeee!!!!
[But Mike C can barely take his belt off his waist before being attacked by CJ Swift in a cowardly fashion.]
Steve Travis: Ohh man, leave it up to this rich guy to start things off with a cheap shot.
[For the first 5 Minutes the match started as the two go face to face in the middle of the ring and trade punches to start off the match. CJ gets the upper hand by swinging Mike to the ropes and hitting him with a clothesline.]
Johnny Vendetta: A nice start so far, but we’ll see if we will really have a new USPW Champion tonight!
Steve Travis: Well Classy Mike C is a beast, we’ll see if anyone can stop his reign.
[As the match comes to a close, CJ continued beating on Mike with suplexes and powerslams until he slipped up and allowed Mike to hit a piledriver and call for a signature move.]
Tom Roberts: Looks like he’s setting up for that The Stretford End!
[Mike C sets up Platinum Prince for a powerbomb, elevates opponent, then throws him forward and drops him down hard in an "X-factor" style facebuster! The boom echoes around the arena as he hooks the leg… 1… 2… 3!!]
Tom Roberts: It’s over!! Classy Mike C has defended his World Heavyweight Champion!
Johnny Vendetta: You mean he’s the Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion!
[Classy Mike C celebrates in the ring. He seems proud of his victory as he mocks the fallen CJ Swift and the crowd.]
Mike Cardella: The winner of the match and STILL USPW World Heavyweight Champion! Classy Mike C!!
Tom Roberts: Well folks, we want to thank you for joining us here on Freedom!
Steve Travis: Please, Tom, before we end the show, why havn’t we seen Mr Image? This show has been complete chaos. I can’t… I can’t go on without an answer.
[The camera switches to Steve Travis as he gets out of the commentary table and walks to the backstage area. The camera man follows him down the winding corridors.]
Johnny Vendetta: Hmm, Steve Travis always was an idiot. I wonder what he thinks he’s going to do.
[Steve Travis approaches a door that says “Mr Image” on a bolted on sign on the door. Steve then knocks lightly. No answer. Steve knocks a little harder.]
Steve Travis: Frankie… Frank, buddy, it’s me. It’s Steve Travis. Can I talk to you?
[No answer.]
Steve Travis: Sighs